5th Grade Common Core
L1 Grammar
L2 Conventions
L3 Knowledge of Lang
L4 Context Clues
L4 Roots
L5 Figurative Lang
L5 Nym Family
RL Fiction
RL1 Evidence/Inference
RL2 Theme
RL3 Compare/Contrast
RL5 Story Structure
RL6 Point of View
RL9 Genre
RI Nonfiction
RI1 Evidence/Inference
RI2 Main Idea
RI5 Text Structure
RI6 Point of View
RI9 Synthesizing
RF Reading Fundamentals
RF3 Phonics
RF4 Fluency
W1 Opinion
W2 Informative
W3 Narratives
W5 Revision
W6 Keyboarding
W7 Research
OA Algebra
OA1 Parentheses
OA2 Expressions
OA3 Rules
NBT Place Value
NBT1 Value
NBT2 Power of 10
NBT3 Compare Decimals
NBT4 Round Decimals
NBT5 Multiplication
NBT6 Division
NBT7 Decimal Operations
NF Fractions
NF1 Add/Subtract
NF2 Word Problems
NF3 It's Division
NF4 Multiply
NF5 Scaling
NF6 Mixed Word Probs
NF7 Divide
MD Measurement & Data
MD1 Conversions
MD2 Line Plot
MD3 Understand Volume
MD4 Measure Volume
MD5 Find Volume
G Geometry
G1 Ordered Pairs
G2 Quadrants
G3 Shapes
G4 Classify 2D
MP Practices
MP1 Persevere
MP2 Reason
MP3 Critique
MP4 Model
MP5 Tools
MP6 Precision
MP7 Structure
MP8 Repetition
SL1 Discussions
SL2 Summarize
SL3 Respond
SL4 Report
SL5 Media
PS1 Matter
PS2 Motion
PS3 Energy
LS1 Organisms
LS2 Ecosystems
ESS1 Earths Place
ESS2 Earths Systems
ESS3 Human Activity
ETS1 Engineering
Rounding Decimals
I can use place value understanding to round decimals to any place. 5.NBT.4
Round decimals to the nearest whole number using a number line
Round decimals to the nearest tenth using a number line
Round decimals to the nearest hundredth using a number line
Skill Practice
Half-court Rounding with Mr. Nussbaum
Rounding Decimals at math-play.com
Decimal Rounding with Sheppard Software
Study Jam step-by-step + practice
Decimal Rounding at free-training-tutorial.com
Rounding Decimals at math-play.com